Thursday, March 19, 2020

If we cannot control spread of covid-19 & it mutates into a deadlier strain, some 60 % of world’s population will be infected & millions will die

“If we cannot control the spread of the Coronavirus and it mutates into a deadlier strain, some 60 percent of the world’s population will be infected and millions will die.”

This is the chilling message of the Facebook post of Jose Alejandrino titled, “IF WE CANNOT CONTROL ITS SPREAD, IT WILL CONTROL US” which was reposted by PCOO Undersecretary Lorraine Badoy in her latest FB post.

Alejandrino clarified “that is what a Chinese on the inside told a meeting at the White House. He said Beijing is not telling the world the truth of what is going on in China because it controls mainstream and social media.”

Alejandrino said he can believe it. He went on to describe the scenarios that will unfold when this covid-19 virus gets out of control.

When the deadlier strain hits the world, it will be followed by a global economic and financial meltdown. Business and commerce will come to a standstill. Stock markets will collapse. So will banks because their loans will be unpaid. Food supplies will run down due to panic-buying. Social disorder will ensue as law and order breaks down. The military and police will have to take over to contain the chaos. People will demand authoritarian governments find quick solutions to the mess. It has happened before, it can happen again. Let us not fool ourselves.”

Alejandrino said the grim scenario he described above is starting to take shape in Europe, in Australia and even in the US.

“Already in Europe, the military is being mobilized to ensure a lockdown of cities. My friend Felipe Martinez told me today what he is seeing in Spain is unbelievable. The streets and highways are empty. The Guardia Civil is all over handing out hefty fines to cars on the road who violate the lockdown. He himself was fined 600 euros, the equivalent of 30,000 pesos. The groceries are empty of basic items like alcohol due to panic-buying. In Australia and the US, there are videos of buyers fighting over toilet paper at supermarkets.”

In the US, some state Governors are seriously looking at the martial law option in anticipation of the doomsday scenario brought about by covid-19.

“In the US, some state governors like the governor of California, are contemplating the imposition of martial law. That they should even contemplate such a possibility is frightening. The governor of New York has appealed openly to President Trump for help because NY is running short of hospital beds to treat those infected by the virus.”

Alejandrino said that President Duterte may be forced to declare Martial Law if the people and the LGU’s don’t cooperate and the virus spreads further.

“Here in PH, if people and the LGUs don’t cooperate and the virus spreads, Duterte will have no choice but to impose harsher measures. The AFP and PNP must prepare for such an eventuality. As martial law becomes the norm all over the world, the PH will be no exception. At the end of the day, it might be the only way to save countries.”

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Source: Lorraine Badoy

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