The unfortunate fate of an Ilocana OFW Michella Altrecha Racho happened during their group's outing and celebration for their one year anniversary party held at Keelung Beach. According to her friend's Facebook post, Michaella was suppose to return to the Philippines on June.
The OFW was said to be a little intoxicated with liquor [drunk] which caused her to drown in the sea.
In a video upload in social media, she was surrounded by a few people and lying on the sand. Her friends struggled and tried to save their drowned friend. A female friend of her was pumping her on the chest while a male friend was doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Later on, her friends affirmed she's already dead.
Netizens expressed their sympathy an condolences towards Michaella's family.
Friends of hers and other concern people have also asked netizens if it is possible to donate any amount to Michaella's family.
To anyone who is willing to help, please message AnNa ALyssa Tabar on her Facebook account.
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Source: FB