Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Kiko Pangilinan Gets Lectured By Netizens For His Dumb Remarks to DFA Sec. Cayetano :"Tanga Talaga tong P.I Na to"

Yet another dumb and thoughtless "suggestion" has been thrown to Senator Alan Peter Cayetano from the Yellow clan and this time it wasn't from Senator Leila de Lima but from her fellow Yellow ally, Senator Kiko Pangilinan, who was just recently involved in a love affair scandal with a fellow party list member.

Senator Pangilinan challenged the newly appointed Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary to file a diplomatic protest against China in relation to President Rodrigo Duterte's speech regarding the war threat from President Xi Jin Ping.

In Sen. Pangilinan's statements he questioned if there China really threatened to start a war if Philippines dared to drill oil on some parts of the West Philippine Sea. If there really was, Senator Pangilinan added, then Foreign Affairs Sec. Cayetano should issue a diplomatic protest against the threat.

"Did China really threatened the Philippines with war after President Duterte asserted the Southeast Asian nation’s sovereignty over disputed territory in the West Philippine Sea? If so, then Foreign Affairs Secretary Cayetano should issue a diplomatic protest for this threat,” Pangilinan's words to Cayetano.

Atty. Ahmed Paglinawan countered Senator Pangilinan's statements, he said, "Tanga talaga tong putanginang to. Tsk.
International relations is a power that resides solely in the president. The DFA secretary is an alter ego of the president. The president is diplomatic with China.
Ergo... Tell us, Kiko, what you call a person whose other selves negate him.
Because that's exactly what you are."
He also pointed out that issuing a diplomatic protest is beyond the Foreign Affairs Secretary's power but solely of the President's.

A De La Salle Univerisity professor, Van Ybiernas expressed similar thoughts to the latter.

"Protest to whom? To China? So they can just deny that the conversation took place? So our government will just embarrass itself?
And then what? What do we get from it?
I know what Pangilinan and LP will get from it. (An opportunity to attack the president, hoping to erode his popularity). But what will the Filipino people get from it?
Duterte bared a confidential conversation to tell us what the real situation is. It's that simple." Ybiernas added.

The Liberal Party and its pawns endlessly criticizes and questions President's Duterte. That's the problem, it's endless and tries desperately to attack him so that Filipino people who supports him will change their minds and side with their nasty antics. As if!

Fine, it's not against the law to express your thoughts BUT expressing it won't solve the issue and thus adds fuel to the fire instead why don't you try to provide a feasible, realistic, beneficial and diplomatic solutions for every single issue this country is facing.

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