Friday, June 2, 2017

LOOK: Sarah Lahbati Gets Confused Over which is Raymond and which is Her Husband!

A lot of girls have been constantly wishing they were Sarah Lahbati, a Kapuso star who is married and mother to the son of Kapuso hottie, Richard Gutierrez.

Of course, Richard has a twin brother, Raymond. While in previous years, people can easily tell them apart because of their distinct physique, now the public has had a hard time telling which is Richard and which is Raymond, mainly because Raymond lost weight.

Just recently, this confusion of which is Richard and which is Raymond happened to the least expected person: Sarah Lahbati, Richard's own wife.

You would not expect Sarah to confuse over Richard and Raymond due to that fact that she has been married to Richard for almost four years and have been with him since 2012 when they started dating. Recently, they celebrated the 4th birthday of their son, Zion.

For sure, you would expect Sarah to know her husband very well after yeasr of being with him. But apparently, we were proven wrong.

In a video circulating on the internet, the twins, Richard and Raymond is seen wearing the same green shirt. Sarah, who is taking a video of the moment was surprised to see the two wearing the same shirt and they look like each other (of course they are twins) to the point that Sarah amusingly points out how they can never be told apart.

Photo from TNP

Watch the video here.

It was February of this year when Raymond made the statement that he is "sick of being fat." Apparently, he started working out. By March, as seen in his Instagram posts, he lost a fair amount of weight.

Right now, with a body that is similar that of his twin brother, Richard, it is hard to distinguish which is who among the twins.

From Raymond's Instagram account.

"It hasn't been easy. It's been three and a half months of non-stop working out and watching what I eat," Raymond said.

"People keep asking my, 'what's the secret?' There's no secret, guys. You really just have to put in the time, work hard, make the effort and have the discipline," he advised.

"It's just about committing to it, gaining that momentum and not stopping," he added.

He also mentioned that one factor why it was less of a struggle to work out is because he does it together with his friends.

"It really helps out to work out with a group of friends because you motivate each other."

It's indeed hilarious to see Sarah Lahbati getting confused which is her husband among the two. But the focal point of that moment seems to be the mere fact that Richard and Raymond does not only look alike, they now also have the same physique, thanks to Raymond's dedication to losing weight.

Girls sure have one more reason to love the Gutierrez twins now that Raymond has turned into a total hottie just like his twin brother.

Are you having enough of the Gutierrez overload? What do you think of Raymond's new image? Share your thoughts with us.

Source: TNP

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