Wednesday, May 24, 2017

This Nigerian Man Claims He Made Love to a Woman Who Turned into a Snake!

Every day, netizens encounter bizarre stories online. There are a lot of reported phonomena that are hard to believe. Case in point, this strange and creepy story of a man who claimed he made love with a woman who suddenly turned into a snake.

Numerous news sites and blog have already published the story of this unnamed man from Nigeria. 

According to the articles written by Trending News Portal, Social Pees and Pulse Nigeria, this old man in his forties met a pretty woman whose age is probably in the mid-thirties. 

The man brought the pretty woman to a hotel in Eket, Akwa Ibom so they could have some good time.

This Nigerian Man Claims He Made Love to a Woman Who Turned into a Snake!

After entering the hotel room, they had a couple of drinks. According to Pulse Nigeria, the alcohol caused the woman’s head to ache. Despite her migraine they still decided to get intimate.

While they were in the middle of lovemaking, the man as shocked to see the woman suddenly wriggling her body like a snake. To his surprise, she completely turned into a huge snake.

Due to fear, the man immediately rushed out of the room and called the hotel manager and security staff. When they returned to the room, the woman was gone.



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