Friday, May 26, 2017

This Old Man Trashing President Duterte Should Be Awarded His Very Own 15-Minute Fame!


A netizen is getting his instant popularity not because he is doing great and praiseworthy things for the Philippines but because he is trashing President Rodrigo Duterte in his every post in his Facebook account that it's becoming ridiculous.

A certain Danilo David is asking for a brief experience of fame for endlessly insulting the President in every stupid way he can think of.

He also wrote in one of his post that Duterte supporters abandoned morality, decency, self respect, reasoning, common sense, intelligence, principle in life, rule of law and above all GOD. [It's pretty much obvious that this man doesn't understand anything he says.]

Even of you're not a supporter of the current president and has a good and fair judgement, you would think that he is insanely digging himself a grave. If anyone with a sound mind and neutral functioning brain, you'll definitely think that this guy is going nuts and thinks highly of himself. No sane and moral human will insult person he barely knows if he doesn't think that he is better than the other. Idiotic move.

His posts, of course, automatically attracted Duterte supporters and other n

Below are just few of his nonsense tirades to the President. They are called nonsense because all are literally nonsense. Like a kid struggling to get attention. That's why we are giving him a chance to shine.

WARNING: Brace yourself. You'll endlessly cuss at him.

It's natural for non-supporters to trash people base on what we perceive. But we are held liable of our words and actions. Our freedom of expression doesn't give us the ticket to insult anyone especially a man holding the highest position in a nation. Pathetic.

If you find this offensive, please share this and let others know of his immature remarks!

Source: Facebook

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