Sunday, June 25, 2017

MUST WATCH: Here's the Reason Why Sen. Trillanes failed the interview with BBC Stephen Sackur

No wonder British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) journalist Stephen Sackur didn't believe Senator Antonio Trillanes' arguments during the recent interview with him.

Sackur definitely did his homework before interviewing the anti-Duterte senator. There was no such thing as bias during the questioning.

In 2015, Sackur visited the Philippines, specifically in Manila. He personally witnessed the struggles of Filipinos just to get by each day in their lives.

Sackur had an interview with one of Transcom's managers, Dyne Tubbs. The latter explained the basics of the rounds in their call center. In United Kingdom, being a customer representative is regarded as a low-status job in the Philippines its a completely the opposite because of the pay and incentives representatives get for their working performance.

The BBC journalist also went in a academy for those who would like to work as a domestic helper.

There he had a chance to speak with the students. He found out that one of the reason why Filipino domestic workers choose to work abroad is because of the doubled pay they'll get while working there.
A part of their salary will be sent back home in the Philippines to sustain the needs and education of their children.

Sackur went to Tondo, Manila, which he described as "... overcrowded and squalid".

"It's residents stuck in a social and economic twilight zone, abandoned by the state," he added.

He saw for himself how the poorest of poor families survive life. He said, "Tondo survives on garbage", referring to those who were recycling food found in garbages from different establishments and then cooking and reselling the pieces of meat which is regarded as trash by others.

Sackur interviewed one of the residents named Sheryl Gonzales who recycles cooking for a living and a soon to be mother of 11 children.

He found out that Sheryl first had her baby when she was 16, from then, she gets pregnant almost every year. She's in her 30's now. Sheryl toured the journalist in their "tiny living space".

Sheryl didn't really want to have 11 children but because she wasn't able to go to medical center for ligation.

After his talk with Sheryl, Sackur went to the streets of Manila where streets children lives. There he interviewed two of these street children.

They revealed why they chose to live on the streets instead of their own homes. One said it was because she wanted to have freedom in doing what she wants like having a boyfriend and using drugs like marijuana.

The other one said that his family is neglecting him and his siblings. One by one his siblings are leaving their home, so he left.

There's an estimation of 100,000 children living on the streets of Metro Manila. Mostly suriving by engaging themselves in petty crimes, prostitution and even sniffing glue.

More on the Philippines' fast multiplying population, he asked two health center workers if the use of contraceptives like condom is widely accepted by couples, the two said it's not.

The Roman Catholic church totally opposes in using artificial contraceptives for different reasons which creates confusion and problem with the government's campaign to distribute condoms to huge but poor families.

"The population of the Philippines is going up by 2 million every year. By 2050, the total may hit 200 million, double the number today," he said.

"The rising of population is creating a poverty trap," he added.

Watch the video below:

Source: Youtube

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