Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno: 'National ID to help deter Filipinos eligible for discounts' on Social Welfare

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Palace was just considering last April 2017 supporting plans to establish a national ID system.

MANILA - The government is planning to put in place a national ID system within President Rodrigo Duterte's term to help ease the delivery of social services.

The national ID will replace all government-issued identification cards, except the passport and drivers' license. It will contain biometric data and will be issued at birth and renewable when the citizen turns 18, Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno said.

The national ID system -- which will contain an individual’s personal information and biometrics, and secured with Europay, Mastercard, Visa (EMV) chips -- will ensure that the social benefits will only be utilized by entitled individuals.

The national ID will also function [as a] social welfare card. This will identify the qualified beneficiaries, and discounts of transportation, and health care. This will help us plug the leaks in the social welfare program,” he said.

An executive order is being drafted for the national ID, which will be issued to all 105 million Filipinos "within two years of the enactment of the proposal," he said.

"We intend to give all Filipinos a national id that will also function as a social welfare card," Diokno told a tax forum.

The roll out of the national ID will prioritize senior citizens and the poorest 5 million households, he said.

A House of Representatives committee last month approved a bill that sought to unify government-issued identified cards into a single national ID.

The national ID -- which is still in legislation -- has been allotted a P2-billion budget for its implementation next year.

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Source: News/ ABSCBN, TNP, BW

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