Wednesday, July 26, 2017

This Girl Saw Her Friend Doing THIS beside Her! What Happens When She Faced Her, Was UNEXPECTED!

Pranking someone is a time honored tradition among friends and the king among prank-worthy days is April Fools' Day. This is the perfect time for putting your pranking skills to the test. No worries if you don't have a favorite prank to play on your friends, all you need is a straight face, some effort, and a dash of creativity, and you'll soon be watching your target stumble unwittingly into your trap. Just like this girl who played a prank on her friend even if it is not April Fools' Day!

A Facebook netizen named Sarah Jane Paderes Magdaluyo uploaded a video prank from her friend. According to her post, she hesitated to ask her friend what she was doing because she noticed that it was as if her friend was doing something malicious. 

This Girl Saw Her Friend Doing THIS beside Her! What Happens When She Faced Her, Was UNEXPECTED!

She said she might not like what she was about to see but still, she took courage and approached the girl wearing a purple sando who seemed to not be wearing anything below the waist as it was being covered by a heart-shaped pillow on her side. 



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