Monday, March 23, 2020

Last text message of Doctor who died fighting covid-19 to family & friends circulates online, makes internet cry a river

Four doctors working in the frontline against covid-19 succumbed to the virus after they got infected from their patients.

One of those doctors who perished has been identified as Romeo Gregorio “Greg” Macasaet III MD Class 1983.

He died today March 22, 2020 from ARDS due to Covid 19, the FB post of Jose Gonzalo M. Ditching said.

Ditching wrote that Dr. Greg was exposed to an OR patient who recently traveled abroad who was Covid19 +.

Sadly, his wife, Dr. Evalen Talens also an Anesthesiologist like Dr. Greg is fighting for her life right now due to Covid 19.

According to various sources in socmed, Dr. Greg continued to communicate with his family and friends using his cellphone, making calls and text messages. When he started to realize how serious his condition was, he sent the following text message yesterday:

“Good evening, my beloved brethren ! The turn of events is just no longer going in my favor. The feeling you get, aside from extreme pains all over, difficulty of breathing and as if all life is being sucked from your body ! They will be putting cutdown lines and central tubes on me anytime soon ! If they intubate me and place me on ventilator, then the game is almost over ! If Ateng (referring to his wife) survives, then my wish for her and Raymond (his son who is with autism) for a long and happy life will bear fruition ! Raymond however needs financial and emotional care for the rest of his life ! Something I may no longer be able to fulfill! It Is my fervent hope that all of you may assist the rest of my Family in our most difficult times!”

Sad! The last thing on his mind was how his autistic son will survive in this world without him and worse, if something bad happen to his his wife who was also covid-19 positive.

Let us offer our prayers and support to their family 🙏😢

As of this writing, the FB post of Dr. Ditching has been shared 18,563 times, reacted 57,205 times and commented 50 times. Of the 57,205 netizens who reacted the FB post, 45,000+ netizens hit the “SAD” emoticon.

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Source: Jose Gonzalo M. Ditching

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