Monday, March 23, 2020

LeBron James joins Tiktok craze during quarantine

AS the whole world is challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the globe are trying to cope with the new normal of work at home, canceled sports leagues, and forced quarantine.

For many athletes, that coping mechanism includes TikTok.

On Monday (Philippine time), NBA star LeBron James cross-posted his first Tiktok video on his Instagram account.

“Quarantined Tik Tok Chronicles! Come give me something uh!” he said with the laughing on the floor emoji.


According to National Public Radio, the United States has begun "widespread school closures" and said, "US president Donald Trump has called families to keep their children home from school if they can and urging people not to congregate in groups larger than 10 people."

It seemed that the Los Angeles Lakers franchise player can no longer stand his boredom at home.


The entire James Gang was in the video, with LeBron leading the way, followed by his eldest son Bronny, his wife Savannah, his second son Bryce, and finally closing with the adorable five-year old Zhuri.

Source: Spin PH

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