Monday, April 11, 2022

Spotted: Dantes Family visited Petshop Village

Are they looking for a new pet?

Dong, Marian, Zia and Sixto were spotted earlier today in a Petshop Village.

The Dantes family currently have 3 pets at home, 2 dogs and 1 cat. Their dog names Golden Retriever Migo, Maltris Johnny and highland straight cat George.

It looks like they are planning to add a new member to their growing family. The Dantes family were spotted in a petshop village earlier today.

They visited a couple of petshop, and it looks like they are looking for a new pet. It’s no surprise since both Zia and Sixto love animals.

Sixto was enjoying looking and interacting with the puppies he doesn’t even wanna leave the petshop.

Dong and Marian greeted the people who recognized them. They were so excited to see The Dantes Family.

Thank you Gina Bells for the video!


The post Spotted: Dantes Family visited Petshop Village appeared first on Team Dantes.

Source: Team Dantes

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