Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Woman Acted Like She Was Drunk In A Public Place, Then These Men Approached Her!

Women who are intoxicated are more vulnerable to harassment. Some men look at the situation as an opportunity to take advantage since ‘drunken’ women are helpless. 

Woman Acted Like She Was Drunk In A Public Place, Then These Men Approached Her!

Drug and alcohol rehab in Madrid called Centro Europeo Neurosalus conducted a social experiment to demonstrate that drunk women are easy targets to perverted men. The production team hired a woman to pretend intoxicated in public, on a weekday, under the broad daylight.

Woman Acted Like She Was Drunk In A Public Place, Then These Men Approached Her!

The result of the undercover shocked online users as not a single man offered to help her, but suggested her to drink more alcohol and get intimate with her. One guy even asked her for a hug. In a quiet street, a waiter pinned her to the side of the building and started kissing her several times. One of the team crews approached them before the situation gets worse.

Woman Acted Like She Was Drunk In A Public Place, Then These Men Approached Her!

"The most disappointing fact is that we had no need to edit the video and avoid any scene of someone approaching to help this woman in such a delicate situation. Why? Because nobody got close to help this drunken woman to get a taxi or help her in any other way,” said Dr. Jose Miguel Gaona, Director of Centro Europeo Neurosalus.



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