Monday, June 5, 2017

UK Political Commentator Gave 5 Reasons Why Liberal Party fears Duterte's Triumph Against Terrorists

A Europen Political Commentator cited five (5) reasons why the Liberals fear President Rodrigo Duterte winning against terrorist.

Adam Garrie is a political commentator and the managing editor of "The Duran" international media platform. He exposed five reasons why Liberal Party fears the Philippine president's triumph against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

"Liberals will never side with Rodrigo Duterte, even if he crushes ISIS in Philippines. Even as he fights ISIS, the western liberal elite and their mainstream media allies have nothing good to say about the Philippine President."

The European commentator described the political scenario  in the country following the President Duterte's martial law proclamtion in Mindanao.

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Below are the five reasons cited by Garrie.

1. ISIS is finance by drugs

Similar to the President's recently revelation about the ISIS-link terror group Maute being protected by drug lords and narco politicians, Garrie stated that the Islamic State International terrorist group ISIS are known to profit from narcotics trade.

According to Garrie, drugs and its users are in a sense involved in aiding the terrorist group. Liberals who are making every excuse to legalize drug use in the world are the doing their best to ignore this. If he wins against the war on ISIS for both narcotics and terrorism, liberals will have a great deal to answer for.

The Philippine president have been very transparent about his idealogies and especially his plans to wage war against illegal drugs even before he won the presidency,

2. It justifies President Bashar al-Assad’s fight against terrorism

"The liberal mainstream media continually demonise President Bashar al-Assad who once stood virtually alone fighting ISIS and other ISIS clones," Garrie said.

"By contrast, Duterte is a populist who openly promotes a heavy handed approach to social disorder and law enforcement. If Duterte who in many ways is far more of a hardliner than Assad wins the war on terrorism, it will show liberals that the soft approach to government is insufficient when fighting terrorism," he explained.

3. A Duterte victory will demonstrate that Syria is surrounded by enemy states

ISIS supply of funds is making it considerably difficult due to the naval blockade of the areas in the Philippines which can stop the flow of materials to the terrorist group which makes the war against ISIS easier that of Syria which has diffulty in securing its borders with unfriendly states. "This is especially true of Turkey from where many supplies including western arms reach the hands of terrorists," Garrie said.

"A naval blockade of the areas in Philippines where ISIS is in charge could help to stop the inflow of materials to the terrorists. This holds the potential to make a Philippine victory over ISIS easier than that of Syria which has found it difficult to police its borders with unfriendly states," he added.

4. It shows that yet again Russia and China are on the correct side of history

"It can be recalled that ISIS launched their war of conquest against Philippines when Duterte was meeting with Putin is also a notable factor. ISIS and their puppet-masters in the Gulf and beyond wanted to expose Duterte’s relationship with Russia as meaningless," he cited.

However, the Philippine Presiden Rodrigo Duterte and Russian President Vlademir Putin's successful meetings will definitely prove them wrong.

5. It unmasks the poor priorities of the liberal mainstream media and political elite

They were literally more concerned with Duterte’s domestic policies which they have no right to change, than they were about helping a democratic nation fight ISIS terrorism. Garrie concluded.

Source: PT

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