Monday, June 5, 2017

Albay Rep. Edsel Lagman Sued for Plunder

Plunder charges were filed against Albay Representative Edcel Lagman at the Ombudsman for his alleged ill-gotten wealth and hidden properties funded by pork barrel funds on April 22.

Complainant Hernando Bruce (left0 and Albay representative Edcel Lagman (right).
The complaint was filed by Roman Catholic Bishop  Hernando Bruce. The Bishop submited a graft case against the Representative Lagman to the Office of the Ombudsman. The complaint is asking Edcel Lagman to be placed under lifestyle check and charged with plunder for accumulating at lease P50-million worth of ill-gotten wealth and that his statements of assets, liabilities and net worth should be checked.

Bruce cited a Commission on Audit report that the Albay Representative and his daughter Krisel Lagman-Luistro consipired together during his term from 2007 and 2010 as Albay first district representative.

According to the bishop, Lagman acquired different properties from his pork barrel funds (Priority Development Assistance Funds) - "the Patio De San Jose hotel in Malilipot, Albay (allegedly registered under Lagman’s purported dummy, his staff Rose Bombales), a gravel and sand rock crusher plant; a 10-hectare property in Sogod, Bacacay with an estimated value of P50 million; a heavy equipment garage in Bacacay, Albay under the name of Lagman’s dummy Bombales; a mansion in the United States worth $30 million; and another mansion in Tagaytay worth P50 million, among others."

Based in complaint, the lawmaker allegedly spent a total of P86 million of his PDAF for 28 projects in Quezon City and also in Nueva Ecija and Pampanga or outide his legislative districts.

Lagman allegedly implemented projects in Quezon City where his son Edcel Lagman Jr. was a councilor.

The complaint stated that the Lagman's use of his PDAF on different places instead of his own legislative district "deprived the Albayanos of the gains, profit, and advantages for which Lagman’s PDAF was legally intended" and that the benefits given to the residents of the aforementioned provinces were "unwarranted and bereft of legal basis."

There was also citation of audit reports accusing him of spending P18.5 million PDAF for constructing private properties in Quezon City whereas which is violating Government Auditing Code of the Philippines that prohibit the use of public funds for private purposes.

Between 2008 and 2009, Lagman abused his position as congressman and downloaded P29.6 million of his PDAF to Tabaco City where his daughter was a mayor at that time.

The complaint also includes accusations against the Albay representative of adopting a loan program which did not have a project proposal, a scholarship program without requests from intended beneficiaries and a procurement of supplies like omputers, xerox machines, text books, among others without support of any required documents and the suppliers were not registered with the Security and Exchange Commission.

Bishop Bruce accused Lagman of committing graft for using his PDAF outside his legislative district and also because he gave undue preference to the Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, and Quezon City.

Meanwhile, in a phone interview, Lagman defended himself saying the funds spent outside his district were from leadership fund which was allotted to House leaders and committee chairpersons and duly earmarked in the General Appropriations Act.

"The leadership fund was for nationwide utilization … There’s nothing wrong about it. It’s completely legitimate. It’s appropriated in the General Appropriations Act. There’s no violation whatsoever," he said.

He also denied that his PDAF were used in building private properties and enterprises. Lagman stated that Hernando Bruce was badmouthing his because he did not gave Bruce a government post where the bishop was not qualified to assume.

He also denied having hidden properties named in his alleged dummies.

Source: INQ

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