Friday, August 4, 2017

'Miss pak*nt*t lang She Was Roaming Inside A Mall When A Man Whispered Those Words To Her That Sent Chills To Her Body!

Nowadays, a lot of guys have the guts to s*xually harass a woman both verbally and physically. If you check your social media account, then you’ll see a lot of posts shared by women who have been either cat-called or groped in public. 

'Miss pak*nt*t lang She Was Roaming Inside A Mall When A Man Whispered Those Words To Her That Sent Chills To Her Body!

Most people blame these incidents on the female victims, saying that what they wear plays a huge role when it comes to being harassed. But what if a woman still gets molested despite wearing conservative clothing? Could people still blame women?

'Miss pak*nt*t lang She Was Roaming Inside A Mall When A Man Whispered Those Words To Her That Sent Chills To Her Body!


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