Sunday, March 15, 2020

British national sends heartwarming note to President Duterte amid criticism from critics for sending police & Army in the streets to help fight covid-19

As the Americans say, the President is caught between a rock and a hard place.

I believe this perfectly describes President Duterte’s situation as the lead the country against the covid-19 crisis.

The critics and the supporters of the Opposition are bashing the President left and right, some are even calling for his resignation because they believed the he isn’t doing enough to address the covid-19 issue.

When the President called the police and the Army to conduct roadblocks and help the DOH in stopping the spread of covid-19, militant leader Teddy Casino wasted no time in criticizing the move.

The militant groups also took to the streets bearing placards echoing Casino’s statement.

But despite the prevailing negative atmosphere and criticism on President Duterte from the Opposition and their supporters, the President has reason to smile.

Why? His hard work and efforts has been appreciated from a distant land, not by OFW but a foreign national who even wrote a simple note thanking him for his dedication and leadership as the country faces the threat of covid-19.

So without further adieu, I urged you to read the open letter of British national Malcolm Conlan, expressing his appreciation for President Duterte.

An Open Letter to President Rodrigo Duterte,
Malacanang Palace,

My dear President Rody Duterte,

Hope you don’t mind, but I just wanted to send you this simple note to thank you.

Thank you for working very hard, to protect and care for the lives of the Filipino people. Despite the fact that you have said many times that you didn’t really want to be President in the first place, there you are, day and night, fighting hard so that the Filipino people could have a better life.

Your only, but ever so important wish is a comfortable life for all Filipinos. Whether they are rich or poor, supporters or opposers, you said very clearly, a comfortable life for ALL Filipinos.

Even during this current crisis with the COVID-19 virus, that the Philippines and indeed much of the world is facing, you lead from the front, not just sitting behind some desk somewhere, untouchable, instead, you took the time to personally reach out and explain what needs to happen, how to handle this crisis and tried to break down the key points as if you were talking to every Filipino citizen personally.

I am only sorry that some continue to bash you and indeed complain about the army talking over or military rule or some kind of martial law, all of which is totally false and absolute rubbish.

The fact is, you are only doing what many other countries are doing around the globe, to protect the lives of the everyone in the Philippines. But because of politics, some people instead of praising you for your incredible, inspiring leadership, they still choose to bash you. I am very sorry to hear that. May God give you continued strength to continue in your work.

From one foreigner, a British guy in London, who happens to admire and respect all you are doing for the Philippines and her people, I just wanted to reach out to you and say thank you very much sir for keeping watch over my family, friends and loved ones.

Thank you for your dedication and loyal service to the country.

Millions of people around the globe share that admiration and respect for you, we are all truly grateful for your life and what you are continuing to do to improve life for over 110 million Filipinos, despite the fact that you are approaching your 75th birthday, you are still very strong and continue to change the lives of Filipinos and the Philippines for the better. For that sir, I salute you.

Humbly yours sir,

Malcolm Conlan

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