Friday, March 20, 2020

How to exercise using household items, according to Rachel Anne Daquis

NO excuses.

Despite the large-scale lockdown, it's business as usual for Cignal HD Spikers star Rachel Anne Daquis as she keeps herself in good shape at home.

The twist?

She uses the most available household items — a stack of tissue rolls, bottled water, face towels — in different exercises, proving that a closed gym isn’t a valid excuse to skip workout.

“We can be productive at home. That‘s how I came up with the idea to showcase how to use household items as part of your daily workout. Being in the state of community quarantine, we must not allow stress out and and anxiety to overcome us,” she told SPIN Life.

Daquis believes that in this way, she can help her mind and body stay serviceable despite being stuck at home. Plus, keeping a healthy immune system is still one of the best weapon against the coronavirus.

“Being active has been shown to many health benefits, both physically and mentally. Engaging in regular physical activity can increase your energy levels, and improve your mood and reduce stress and anxiety,” she explained. “When fighting COVID-19, exercising daily can help your body feel younger. Being [physically] active can help reduce your risk of getting infected.”

Daquis, owner of the RAD Fitness Club Gym, has been posting her personal videos of a series of workouts in her Instagram page, with the complete sets of guidelines in the caption.

She began her home workout episodes with some stacks of tissue rolls, doing Russian twists and leg raises for a quick and sustainable ab workout.


In episode two, Rachel made use of filled two-liter bottles for an upper body and arms strengthening series.


The latest update of Workout with RAD series is face towel circuit training, where she used the material to add resistance to her lunges.


“I really encourage everyone to spare time to exercise to reduce the chance of getting sick,” she said. ” There are a lot things that we can use as alternative for gym equipment. I hope to inspire people by sharing that there‘s no limit to getting fit.”

Source: Spin PH

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