Thursday, May 25, 2017

Marawi Chief of Police Pinugutan na ng Ulo ng mga Terroristang Maute Group

The Maute terrorist group attacking Marawi City decapitated a police chief.

President Rodrigo Duterte made an announcement on Wednesday that a local police chief who was on his way home when he was stopped in a checkpoint by some terrorist members.

"The chief of police in Malabang on his way home, going back he was stopped by a checkpoint manned by terrorists and I think they decapitated them right then and there," the President stated during a news conference in Manila.

"If I think you should die, you will die. If there's open defiance, you will die and if it means many people dying, so be it. That is how it is," said the President. "I will not hesitate to do anything and everything to protect and preserve the Filipino nation," he said. "I might declare martial law throughout the whole country to protect the people."

The siege started after the military raided an apartment where terrorist leader Isnilon Hapilon and his group were staying. Hapilon is regarded to be United States' one of the world's most dangerous terrorist, having a bounty of $5 million.

The terrorist group who were said to be allied with the ISIS attacked in Marawi City beheaded a chief of militant commander Isnilon Hapilon group were staying.

Other militants raided buildings and burned them down to create diversionary tactics.

The local terrorist group who were believed to be linked with the ISIS attacked Marawi City, a town in the southern island of the Philippines.
The group beheaded a local chief of police, kidnapped a priest and 10 others. The terrorist also threathened to kill the priest and the other hostages and used them as human shields to escape. They have also killed a police officer and and two soldiers during gunfight.

Also, there was also a regional drug enforcement agency chief who was killed while accompanying his wife to the hospital.

The town's mayor, Majul Gandamra told journalists that the terrorist are still hiding in some buildings which are surrounded by the military soldiers.

He said that they are not specifically shooting at anyone but were uploading images in social media.

Uploading these photos are they way to get notice by other terrorists groups especially by the ISIS to get funding and other reasons.

Loud explosions were overheard by some witnesses on Thursday.

"They have threatened to kill the hostages if the government forces unleashed against them are not recalled," stated CBCP's Archbishop  Socrates Villegas.


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