Why do married people cheat? Is it because they’re unhappy with their spouse, do they do it out of boredom or just because they want to? It’s quite alarming that nowadays people accept that cheating is normal, that all relationships must go through this complicated phase. Marriage doesn’t seem to guarantee fidelity anymore.
Michelle came to us asking to test her Husband. They've been married for 5 years. Some details about their relationship.
Michelle was born and raised in America. she was looking and looking for a serious relationship and marriage years ago, however she had bad luck finding a man with her traditional/cultural values.
Her parents set her up with a guy that was out of country - they knew him through their Uncle's best friend's son. She thought he would be different, being foreign - but lately, her traveling for work a lot (she's an engineer) - had her having insecurities, and wanted to truly know if he's different than the "American" guys that she's dated in the past.
So what can you say about this video? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!
source: Youtube
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
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