Saturday, July 29, 2017

Duterte dared the coward and all talk Sison to come home and fight alongside NPA

President Rodrigo Duterte challenged founder of Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) to come back in the Philippines and quit hiding in The Netherlands.

Duterte insisted that Sison should not stay in a foreign country while his people fight for whatever they are fighting for.

"If you are truly a revolutionary leader, my God, come home and fight here," the President said during his visit to the wake of six slain police officers who were ambushed by New People's Army rebels in Barangay Magsaysay, Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental last July 21.

"All these years, you are in another country. A foreign government is spending money and feeding you while your men, the NPA are dying. You are a coward. What kind of a leader is that?" he added.

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Sison has been in The Netherlands since 1987 when peace talks failed to pursue.

Duterte called off the negotiation for peace talks after the NPA attacked the government soldiers while martial law is enforced in Mindanao. He insisted that the lumads must not let Sison fool them and that they should not believe in him.

"Yung litrato ni Sison, parang diyos sa inyo. Maniwala kayo sa bugok na yan," he said.

"Magre-revolution tapos magtatago doon sa ibang lugar. Dito tayo. Umuwi ka. Ako ang magsalubong sa iyo," Duterte added. "I really do not want to answer that old man. Come here. Earn my respect."

Duterte said he does not want to start a war against the communist rebels, instead, he told them to just surrender and if they will, he'll make them government soldiers and better place to live, including the firearms as a souveneir.

"If possible, I do not want to fight with them. I hope there is a way to solve this without killing fellow Filipinos. It really pains me to see dead NPAs or Moros, especially if they are my soldiers or policemen. It’s a crazy war," he elaborated.

"I will turn you into soldiers. If you want, you can keep your firearms as souvenirs," he persuaded.

Then again, Sison fired back at Duterte saying no one can question his valor, not even the Philippine President.

"I do not have to prove again that I have the revolutionary will and courage to wage armed struggle against oppression," Sison wrote on a Facebook post.

"I was an active part of the people’s war against the Marcos regime for nine years, 1969 to 1977 and then went to fascist prison for another nine years. I surpass the field record of many reactionary military officers who are in the field for a few years until they are assigned desk jobs and then retire at the age of 56," he added.

During the regime of the late President Sison was exiled to the Netherlands and was freed during the Aquino administration.

"At any rate, I choose the battlefield where I fight and the types of battles that I wage. These cannot be dictated by Duterte who hopes vainly that the US and European intelligence would tip him off as soon I leave the Netherlands for the Philippines," Sison exclaimed.

"The way he continues to talk, he really hates to engage in peace negotiations with the NDF. At any rate, I must remind Duterte that we are well past the age of retirement in the NPA and AFP," Sison defended.

The never-ending long distance word war between Duterte and Sison continues to baffle the public. Sison, who is all-talk while hiding in a foreign country and justifying his stand on how he do his battles seemed as if he doesn't understand what Duterte once said about the peace talks between the government and the commnunist rebels.

"Can you just stop fighting for a while?" he said in a July 1 speech at the 50th founding anniversary of Davao del Norte. "You know, we can talk, but do not give me a double-face. 'Pag kinalaban mo pulis ko, 'pag binaril mo yung sundalo, kalaban talaga tayo," he said on his speech on July 1 at the 50th founding anniversary of Davao del Norte.

The President once said that peace talks will only pursue if the NPA stops spreading hostilities in the country, otherwise, there's no reason for the two sides to talk or even meet.

Soirce: PhilStar

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