It’s insane how far some parents would go in disciplining their children. A father from Yueyang, Hunan province in China taught his son a lesson that would forever leave a mark on him.
A 13-year-old boy was boy was punished cruelly by his father after misbehaving. The young one was tied to a ladder and submerged into water until he couldn’t breathe. The father kept dipping his son to the water until he came gasping for air screaming that he would change.
The father would just reply, “Then change” and then plunges the ladder back to the water.
Reports say that the father had grown tired of his child’s antics and the boy had also been causing trouble in their village. During an event in their community square, the boy had purposefully switched the lights on and off numerous times. The village committee got furious and asked the father to discipline him.
The father was also reportedly struck by a wooden stick by his son while he being reprimanded for what he did at the event. That was when the father decided to do the worst
Though wanting the father to disciple his child, the village committee wasn’t too happy with the method he used as it was too cruel. The boy was taken and was counselled for his actions.
Local police said that the boy also recurrently stole money and livestock from the village’s citizens. There was a time when he threw rocks at people while quarrelling with him. He had the courage to hurt even his own mother.
Reactions to the video vary as some agree to what the father did to the stubborn kid while others thought that it was too violent and may even be considered as a form of abuse.