If you regularly browse the internet, then you’ll see a load of different things such as interesting videos, stories, and photos lurking in every corner. Most people are fond of memes and a variety of interesting things that would trend online.A few years back, the ‘sh*t brix’ meme became famous all over social media. Almost every photo you’ll see during those times contain that certain line.
Internet junkies will know what the ‘sh*t brix’ meme is. Once they see it, they then thoroughly investigate what is hidden in a particular photograph.
Despite its sudden disappearance, there are still a few photos emerging online which would make you take a closer look.
Such is this seemingly ordinary-looking photo:
Camarines Sur news organization Pasada Rinconada (@baretangbicol), took to Facebook to upload a photo of what appears to be a drug buy-bust operation. In the photo, you’ll see the guilty suspect looking down on the ground in order to hide his face from the camera. Beside him are police officers who were most likely questioning him during that moment. But if you look closely behind them, you’ll see a bystander looking at them.
At first, you’ll think there’s nothing wrong until you see a hand on top of his left shoulder. The weird thing is, the hand doesn’t seem to belong to anyone.
Some netizens claim that this is one good example of a photoshopped image. In fact, there are loads of them all over the internet. Take a look at a few:
If you are now convinced that the photo is fake, you might want to think again because a Facebook conversation between a netizen and the man in the image surfaced online showing what he has to say:
Here the some comments:
What can you say? Do you think the image is photoshopped or is it authentic? Share your thoguhts in the comments section!