Wilkins Webinar Series
In a livestream for Wilkins Dong Dantes and Marian Rivera discussed the things to do to ensure the safety of their family with Wilkins resident doctor.
Dong asked, “What are the things we must do first to ensure a safe day out with our family?”
“Yeah, that’s a good question and I’d like to make the discussion very simple to make it easier to remember. We have to remember three piece and it’s prepare, protect and prevent.
We always starts with prepare before we go outside, we must establish city habits. So this should be followed by everyone in the house especially among kids but first we must be a good example by doing it too.” Nido’s resident doctor said.
In other news, Here are the most cutest and handsome photos and videos of Sixto Dantes that will surely put a smile in your face because of his bright eyes and beautiful smile. He could truly become a heartthrob in the future.
Video from The Chikka.
The post Sixto Dantes cutest video collection! appeared first on Team Dantes.
Source: Team Dantes