Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Veteran Actress Vivial Velez Lashes Jim Paredes"How Can He Talk About Killing the Innocent When His Own Mother Has Blood on Her Hands!"

Veteran actress Vivian Velez condemned the former Apo Hiking Society singer Jim Paredes for his non-stop tirades against the President Rodrigo Duterte.

The actressed seemed to have had enough of the former singer's lashes that she took her resentment in her Facebook update.

"Meron hugot kasi... Jim keeps harping about the EJK or the people who died from drugs when his own mother was very much part of the LIGHT A FIRE MOVEMENT along w/ Steve Psinakis. They were responsible for bombing different establishments here including the old Philippine Plaza where innocent people died. This was where Nonoy Zuniga lost his leg! Guess who pardoned her mother when she got jailed? Cory... So how can he talk about killing the innocent when his own mother has blood on her hands!"

The veteran actress exposed the dirty and bloody past of Jim Paredes' mother who was pardoned for being a part of the Light A Fire Movement . The movement was headed by eminent personalities who went against the Martial Law. In the early 80's, their group did numerous bombings that created huge chaos within Metro Manila. Its members were trained in the United States and were made to target the Philippines.

Which made the actress question Jim Paredes' statements about the killings of innocent when his own mother did worst back in the day.

"They were responsible for bombing different establishments here including the old Philippine Plaza where innocent people died," the actress said.

The actress also shared a link of a blog called Kahimyang where the movement was tackled.

[Undated photo. Raul Daza, 3rd from left; Heherson Alvarez, extreme right; Steven Psinakis, seated]

Paredes' mother, Ester Jimenez, along with Steve Psinakis are both anti-Marcos. The latter is a Greek-American and husband of Precy Lopez of the Lopez clan. The movement also includes politicians like Heherson Alvarez, Raul Daza and Bonifacio Gillego.

According to the website, bombs went off in Metro Manila which one of the bombing greatly damaged Rustan's mall in Makati. Seventy (70) people were injured while an American tourist got killed. Citing more of the bombings, on the 4th of October 1980, more bombings were done on Philippine Plaza, Century Park Sheraton and Manila Peninsula hotels that killed more innocent people. businessman Eduardo Olaguer, AIM professor Gaston Ortigas and Ester Jimenez, mother of Jim Paredes (of the Apo Hiking Society).

Moreover, the core operatives of the movement who were based in the country were incarcerated in Quezon City. Amid the people arrested were businessman Eduardo Olaguer, AIM professor Gaston Ortigas and Ester Jimenez, mother of Jim Paredes (of the Apo Hiking Society). They were eventually convicted and sentence to death using electric chair in 1984.

Unfortunately, their sentenced never proceeded. Supreme Court nullified their sentences.

Source: Facebook; Kamiyang;

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