Monday, October 9, 2017

MUST READ | An Open Letter to President Duterte

Photo credit to owner

Despite the controversies after the previous Senate hearing with well known bloggers, a proud Filipino from the City of Island Adventures of Surigao and a former OFW expresses his sincere apology to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. 

Frank Resma, a supporter of the Duterte administration wrote a very inspiring letter addressing to the President in his Facebook account. 

What strikes us most, is this statements:

"You became a father figure to me, after just a couple of months."

Behind the latest SWS poll rating of President Duterte, we can tell that there are Filipino's who still believe and love him. 

Also this statement also captures our attentions, which definitely have a good point if this must be abide by many. 

"If this letter of mine could touch at least one or two souls, and support you with your programs by effecting positive self-change, then I would have made a difference already. Because I believe that it can create a profound multiple ripple effects when shared."

Here is the letter addressed to President Duterte by Frank Resma:

My dear President,

I am sorry.

I am sure you are wondering why I am saying that, my beloved President.
I have been pondering lately on how the world that I see outside of myself reflects the world that is inside of me. Not that I do not understand but I am not always able to recognize my role in the world that I want to see and be in. Though cognizant of the dictates of the law and of my conscience, I still find myself erring, making me culpable to the many ills of society existent today.

In retrospect, I find myself remiss of the basic dictates and what is expected of me, apart from what I expect from myself. Too few a time, I did ask favors from friends and relatives in government to cut through all the red tape, name-dropped to be acknowledged, allowed a friend to bribe a traffic enforcer, crossed the street without the pedestrian crossing, counterflowed and caused a heavy traffic, threw litter out the window of my car and sidewalk, beat the red light and not get caught, ignored the juvenile offenders out of pity, illegally parked because I would be late for a meeting, helped someone do backdoor deals, cheated on my income taxes legally because I felt some previous administrations used my taxes improperly, let little acts of bribery and corruption thrive before my very eyes, and other acts of iniquities. Come to think of it, I am guilty of the enfeebling, not the total loss if I may say, of my must-have inherent moral values, virtues, and beliefs.

I am certain that with what I just admitted, I can serve as a mirror for a lot of Filipinos and a window to a celebrated few. Those things I did mention, whether I was an active participant or a passive one, the fact remains that I let it happen. But those things happened in the past, not during your watch, my dear President. I do not wish to beat myself up over mistakes that I have made.

When you took office, I realized I have to begin to look within myself, what I believe in, either consciously or unconsciously. You became a father figure to me, after just a couple of months. You, unknowingly, made me see with clarity where I went wrong and what I could do to be the best I could be. I think it’s essential to remember that I am as human as you are, and prone to make mistakes. Holding people to unreasonable standards will only create more unnecessary conflicts.

Our country is inundated with issues around trust, doubt, fear, hope, rage, anguish, victim mentality, blame, disquiet, and addictions. The pathway to recovery from these issues and others is to go within oneself, seek where I could help, and discover the truth.

Some people see our country through glaring filters that seek out what they believe in, they see occurences that justify their perceptions and actions.
In a society that has become a slave to the quick fix, this journey is the exact opposite. There are no short cuts to the growth I want. This journey takes time and courage. The rewards will go way beyond the next generation. To reach these goals, I need to search inside and to make friends with each and every part of me, seek out people who share my commitment to improving oneself, and be part of the solution of the many problems you and the country are beset with.

Changing oneself will help change my world. I will not only view everything now through new lenses of thoughts and emotions but also because the change within can allow me to take action in ways I wouldn’t have – or maybe even have mused on – while trapped in my old unsympathetic thought patterns.
I know, Mr. President, that you need all the help you can get, in bringing forth the real change that you so zealously want for our country.

Today, I declare a revolution upon and within myself, by being a law-abiding citizen not just of our country but everywhere, by being the best that I can be, preserving my moral values, virtues and beliefs. I am certain that I want to support all your programs a hundred one percent, at all costs. I commit myself to offer the new me and do my part, however minute, toward real transformation and nation-building.

If this letter of mine could touch at least one or two souls, and support you with your programs by effecting positive self-change, then I would have made a difference already. Because I believe that it can create a profound multiple ripple effects when shared.

I choose to grow and evolve in a path where generations after generations can truly live in peace, order, and utmost freedom. You, my President, are the one and only hope of our beloved country, I believe.

"A Nation Worthy of Filipinos,
Filipinos Worthy of the Nation."

Photo grabbed from Frank Resma's Facebook account

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Source: Frank Resma

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