Sunday, June 25, 2017

Must Watch: Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle 2015 interview with Steven Sackur

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Last 11 March 2015, Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle was interviewed in BBC Hardtalk by Stephen Sackur. The main question Sackur wishes to ask Tagle is this: "Is the Catholic Church helping or hindering the development of the Philippines? "The word "development" is interesting, because this is the same word used to describe the rich developed nations of the West as compared to the poor developing countries like the Philippines.

Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle is the 32nd Archbishop of Manila. He has been Archbishop since December 12, 2011, and a cardinal since November 24, 2012. 

Tagle has become involved in many social issues in the Philippines with emphasis on helping the poor while maintaining opposition against what he terms "practical atheism", abortion, and contraception (equated with abortion in the Philippines).

He has criticized the Catholic Church for using "harsh language" to describe LGBT and divorced and remarried Catholics. Cardinal Tagle is also a proponent of allowing divorced and remarried Catholics to receive communion on a case-by-case basis.

The Philippines is Asia's only predominantly Christian country. The Roman Catholic Church has huge influence; divorce and abortion are illegal. The Church is currently engaged in a huge battle with the Government over its plans to provide free contraceptives to the poor. From Manila, Stephen Sackur talks to the Catholic Church's most senior cleric in the Philippines - Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle. Is the Catholic Church helping or hindering the development of the nation?

Archbishop's concern over contraceptive plan in Philippines? Archbishop of Manila, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has told BBC HARDtalk's On the Road about his concerns over government plans to provide free contraception.

Watch Full Video Interview here:

"The question is how do we teach people to how to be responsible parents," said Cardinal Tagle, adding that if there was legislation then there needs to be caution about the government's role in family life. The Roman Catholic Church has a huge influence in the Philippines - about 80% of the population are Catholic and divorce and abortion are illegal.

Sackur used the definition of "development" as adoption of Western ideas, such as contraception, abortion, and divorce, so that the "development" of the Philippines would result from the adoption of these ideas. But Cardinal Tagle reaffirmed Catholic Church's teaching on these matters, particularly echoing Humanae Vitae in the use of Natural Family Planning, in the condemnation of contraception and abortion, and the dangers posed by civil authorities in intruding on the decisions on family size which are already the purview of the husband and wife. Cardinal Tagle said that there are canonical processes instituted by the Philippine Church to curb priestly sexual abuse, that her material wealth should be judged on how the money is spent such as on charities, and that his name being floated around as the next papabile is just a joke.

Credits:, monkshobbit

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