Wednesday, May 10, 2017

This Man Burns His Husband Because Of This Unreasonable Reason!

Jealousy is common in every relationship. If a person truly loves his or her partner, then at one point, he or she will surely become jealous.

One man, however, took his jealousy to a whole new level.

Chatchawarn Tarrin, a 28-year-old man from Thailand saw how beautiful his 26-year-old wife, Nednapha Nuankhul’s photos are online which is why he decided to set her on fire. 

This Man Burns His Husband Because Of This Unreasonable Reason!

Soon after the two got married, Nednapha has received constant beatings from her husband. Chatchawarn became possessive and abusive of his wife which is why he always abuses her whenever he gets the chance. 

This Man Burns His Husband Because Of This Unreasonable Reason!

Eventually, Chatchawarn had had enough. Out of anger and distrust, he poured gasoline all over Nednapha and burned her alive at their home in Amphoe Chiang Kham, northern Thailand.

This Man Burns His Husband Because Of This Unreasonable Reason!



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