Jealousy is common in every relationship. If a person truly loves his or her partner, then at one point, he or she will surely become jealous.
One man, however, took his jealousy to a whole new level.
Chatchawarn Tarrin, a 28-year-old man from Thailand saw how beautiful his 26-year-old wife, Nednapha Nuankhul’s photos are online which is why he decided to set her on fire.
Soon after the two got married, Nednapha has received constant beatings from her husband. Chatchawarn became possessive and abusive of his wife which is why he always abuses her whenever he gets the chance.
Eventually, Chatchawarn had had enough. Out of anger and distrust, he poured gasoline all over Nednapha and burned her alive at their home in Amphoe Chiang Kham, northern Thailand.
Luckily, the victim survived the ordeal. However, she needed three emergency operations and will need more.
Nednapha said: “It has scarred me on the outside and in my heart, too. But I have to forgive my husband because we have a child together.
”When the fire was burning I felt like I knew that hell was real. It was the worst pain and terror anybody could ever imagine.
“I’m like this now forever and I know that hell exists.
“You can run away from anything but you cannot run away from karma.”
Despite the terrible incident, Nednapha still forgave her husband for what he did. She said: “Nobody knew this would happen but some things we just cannot escape.
“My husband will be full of sin and he will feel karma one day, too.
“Now my husband cannot run away from anything. He has been put in prison and he has a son that needs care and a father.”
Her friend, Sudarat Khunarup took pictures of Nednapha to raise money for her surgeries and medication. She said “She has had surgery on her neck, mouth and chin two or three times already.
“Her fingers are also very badly damaged and she needs more surgery on her right arm, and she has many ligament problems now.
“She cannot work and her husband cannot support her because he is in prison.
“Now she needs help with necessities such as water, alcohol ointment for the wounds, cotton fabrics, dressings and other medical supplies.’’
Currently, Chatchawarn is under the custody of Chiang Kham police. There are still no details when he will be sentenced and for how long.
“This was a conjugal issue and it is currently being investigated so we can give the correct sentence,” according to a spokesman.