Monday, May 22, 2017

Woman Attempted to End Her Own Life After Meeting With a Lover She Met Online! Read Here!

The steady advancement of technology and the rise of the internet have made communication so much easier for people. 

At the click of one button, we can find a near-endless supply of information online.

The creation of social media produced a means of socializing with others on a scale unheard of outside science fiction. But now the future is here and for the most part it looks bright.

Even dating has become a regular thing online due to the easy access of social media sites and apps like Tinder.

Woman Attempted to End Her Own Life After Meeting With a Lover She Met Online! Read Here!

Not a lot of people find love and romance the traditional way anymore. Nowadays, people who want love and companionship can turn to online dating sites and enter their personal details for others to spot.

If they like what you have then great. If not, then you move on to the next person.

Unfortunately that’s where the problems of online dating come from. There are many jokers, trolls and pretenders on the internet – who lie about certain details just to get a reaction from others.

This Chinese woman proved that sometimes there aren’t any happy endings in online dating. When she met her online date, she actually tried to kill herself!


Woman Attempted to End Her Own Life After Meeting With a Lover She Met Online! Read Here!



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