We often see fitness junkies bragging about their toned muscles or bubble butts in social media. While these enthusiasts are usually youngsters, it is rare to see older people hitting the gym. But this woman is one of those who are currently breaking this trend. Can you guess what her real age is?
Mother and fitness model Ye Wen from Henan Province in China looks half her age. But whenever people hear her tell them her age, they doubt and give her a second probing look. Some may even ask for her birth certificate or any form of ID as proof.
Ye Wen is already half a century years old. Yes, you read it right. She’s 50. It may really be hard to believe such thing as her photos say she isn’t so. With her smooth youthful skin and firm body, who would actually believe it? Even younger women may be thinking of her as an inspiration towards body goals.
Ye Wen didn’t actually look this way before. She was quite ordinary-looking woman, until she turned 30. She got hooked into swimming for fitness. She even challenged herself to even more feats of endurance, and guess what she does? She swims across the straits of Malacca in Malaysia, and crosses South Korea’s Han River.
By achieving these tests, she undergoes harsh workout routines to train her body. She swims at the local pool everyday and does toning exercises at the gym two hours a day, two to three times a week. Ye Wen’s secret? Discipline and dedication to reaching her goals, one realistic step at a time.
What can you say about this? Were you impressed by Ye Wen’s figure? Do you also agree want to have that enviable body? Well, if she can do it, you can do it, too! Share your thoughts with us in the comments field below, and don’t forget to share this with your friends online.