Thursday, July 20, 2017

"Kapit Bisig": Another Post Proving Duterte Did NOT Divide the Country,Thus, UNITE US!

While the Philippines and its media have been swarming with Duterte critics and haters who have surfaced out as a result of the President's uncanny and sexist remarks since he sat in office, there are still people who believe that his Presidency has done much progress and change that lacked the previous administrations.

On Friday, Department of Social Welfare and Development Assistant Secretary and a well-known doctor, Dr. Lorraine Marie T. Badoy took to her Facebook and Wordpress accounts to express her defense of the President against his critics.

Photo from Inquirer
In her post entitled "Kapit Bisig," she defended the President, particularly to those who say that Duterte has divided the country ever since he started his Presidency.

"Since this President sat in office, I've heard this often -- "We are so divided!" Meron pang ganito, "I hate this man! He has divided as so much!" I even had someone blame the President for all his woes in life. Dudes, pati love life nya. Ang sungit na daw nya ever since this President sat in office that he and his wife keep fighting. It's real comical how adults refuse to be adults and own their lives."
 Badoy said that the high approval ratings of the President from the recent SWS survey is proof to his competence as to how he unites the nation.
"So anyway, this divisiveness might have been true in the few months of the Duterte presidency but I don't think it's true now. I look at the President's approval rating --the one where he just peaked-- and I see UNITY. NOT DIVISION."
She also hit back on the enemies of the President whom she say "manufactures"issues to see the President fail and crumble.

"And I think the noise we hear online is noise manufactured by the powerful enemies this President has made when he took on what other presidents didn't have the brains, brawns and balls to take on. So now his enemies are the biggest shits who pulled us down as a country so our ASEAN neighbors were taking off and flying like kites all over us while he remained stuck in the dark pits of hell."
 She bravely drops the bomb as she enumerates the people who cause the nation's problems and should have been criticized, not the President.
"And these biggies are international drug cartels that had insinuated itself in all parts of our lives--from our highest officials (Hello Leila! Kaway-kaway!) down to the barangay level, from the men who drove our buses, taxis, tricycles to people we let into our homes to care for our children. 
"Another biggie: oligarchs who ruled over us for such a long long time, you get to even read about them in the writings of Jose Rizal, etc. And then there's the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy that has, not only our bodies chained but more dangerous--our minds, hearts and souls. And of course, the former colonial master: US of A."
Using a literary reference, she proceeded to commending the President for protecting and saving the nation from the dangers of its failure.
"None of them will go gently into the good night because of course, they have lost so much since Rodrigo Duterte ascended into office and said, crystal clearly, the sparkling words, "I want the abuse of the Filipino people to stop."
And each day that he sits in office, they lose even more. Some millions. Some billions. And all of them have lost fearful ignorant slaves--us! And so they fight back. And that's the Unseen Hand making all these ruckus. All these noise, this manufactured noise.
 She concluded her post with an all-caps reminder of what the President has been doing.
"But I see something else too: I see a united people pushing back and saying NO. YOU DON'T GET TO DO THIS TO OUR COUNTRY. We see what our President is doing for us and we give our  thumbs up to it. And each day that he sits in office, we are getting better. That's what I think the President's soaring approval numbers mean:

Source: PinoyThinking

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