Sunday, July 2, 2017

Military sniper dedicates ‘kill’ to fallen comrade: ‘Nakaisa na ako para sa iyo, pare’

This is how a government sniper get revenge for his slain comrade.

During combat, killing an enemy is not considered a crime. The more a soldier slays, the better for their mission to preserve peace and order in the country.

A sniper deployed in Marawi City, codenamed, 'Black Eagle', shares his tory through an interview with the press.

Black Eagle wants his real identity be kept confidential. All he wants is to share his slain comrade's story.

"Sanay na akong pumatay," he said without any hint of guilt as described by the media.

During the ongoing month-long siege in Marawi City, Black Eagle lost one of his comrades, Marine TSgt. Aldrin Dinglasan, who was a godfather to his eldest child.

Dinglasan was killed by a Maute sniper in during first few days of the siege in Barangay Mapandi. His conversation with his Dinglasan before latter was deplyed, was something he couldn't forget.

"'Pag namatay ako sa Marawi sundan mo ako, ibawi mo ako," Black Eagle recalled.

Black Eagle is a veteran and sniper instructor who was deployed in Marawi City to aide ground troops afte his friend's death. He remembers all of his four "confirmed kills". Every single detail, all clear to his memory. On his first kill, he was in a towering building within the business district of Marawi City, looking for a target from the Maute militants.

As one of his eyes shut and the other focused on the sniper rifle's scope, he scanned around him.

He noticed a movement. Someone with black clothes and carrying a sniper rifle went out of a building and crossed the street in a rush. From a distance of 400 meters, he followed every movements.

As he took a deep breath, he gently pulled the trigger firing a bullet and smoothly hit the target. An enemy has been slain!

The spotter beside him said, "Hit!"  And he was told that the sniper ke just killed was the one who killed his comrade.

"Hit!" said the spotter beside him. "Ang sabi ng tropa, yung nadale ko - yun yung na nakapatay sa kumpare ko," he said.

He then told himself, "Sabi ko sa sarili ko, nakaisa na ako para sa iyo, pare."

Black Eagle was able to revenge for his slain comrade. He fulfilled the promise he made to his friend.

Meanwhile, the military are now only focused on the remaining 20 percent part of the city controlled by the Maute group. The government troops have already rescued 900 civilians trapped within the city since the siege started.

Source: GMA

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