Thursday, August 3, 2017

People Thought That It Was Awkward Seeing This Dog At The Church. But When They Realized The Reason Why, Everyone Was In Tears!

It is not a typical sight to see a dog attending mass when you're in church. It may also be a bit embarrassing to other church goers that a dog might have a better attendance record than most of them combined.

No, this is not the story of a holy dog that might actually be God in disguise. No, the dog doesn’t have any supernatural healing abilities.

People Thought That It Was Awkward Seeing This Dog At The Church. But When They Realized The Reason Why, Everyone Was In Tears!

There is only one reason, and one reason alone, that the dog has gone to church every day. And it will break your hearts.

So the dog's name is “Loyal Tommy” and you'll soon figure out why. This faithful German Shepherd belonged to an elderly Italian woman named Maria. 57-year-old Maria adopted Tommy when she discovered him abandoned in a field near her residence.

People Thought That It Was Awkward Seeing This Dog At The Church. But When They Realized The Reason Why, Everyone Was In Tears!

Maria found Loyal Tommy when he was just a puppy. Now, he is 7 years old. That’s a long time in dog years. We can only imagine the bond and friendship these two have created over the years. 



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