Sunday, February 2, 2020

Crying young Chinese woman emotional message to the world: Love & support instead of hate, let us stay positive, fight through this together

Facebook netizen Cirianne Rivera shared the video of the young Chinese woman via Tik Tok who asked the world to stop hating the Chinese people in general and sending them prayers.

The Chinese woman, who was crying while talking, asked the world to send them love and support, especially the families and their friends who are in the frontlines.

The Chinese woman clarified that not all Chinese eat wild animals, it is even illegal although there are irresponsible few but they do not represent all Chinese.

Rovera remarked the Chinese are also human beings. They don’t the virus just like everyone else. She also urged to respect one another.

This is what im talking about!!
Instead of hating chinese ! Lets give them prayers!
They are also a human being, they don’t want the virus! nobody wants the virus!


Here’s the transcription of the highly emotional appeal of the Chinese woman on video to the world.

It it Chinese New Year today! For families and friends forced to fighting for the frontlines, all we can do is send them our love and support.

Apple just made a donation announced by Tim Cook this morning on Twitter.

Time from time, history proves only love and courage can fight through any crisis.

It is not the time to make any false judgment to show your racism. Chinese don’t eat dogs. A few irresponsible people do not represent all of us.

It is illegal to eat wild animals in China. Don’t put any students at your school. get your students awareness of the public health perspective.

Let us stay positive, fight through this together.

Your comment?

Source: Cirianne Rivera

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