Saturday, February 1, 2020

Doc Philip Tan of UP College of Medicine hints “2° bacterial infection” not nCOV as main culprit of 1st confirmed coronavirus de@th in the Philippines?

The breaking news that the Philippines recorded its 1st fatality due to nCOV has send shockwaves among Pinoy social media users.

Who wouldn’t? The fact that someone just died because of nCOV and how our local media sensationalize in delivering the bad news is a deadly combination.

Meanwhile, the critics of the Duterte administration must have been salivating that they could use this piece of information as a weapon to attack the President and intensify their call for Duterte’s ouster.

But critics, before you get too excited thinking that you can hijack the issue and start the blame game rolling against President Duterte for the late reaction in banning the entry of all flights from China, I suggest you need to hear what Dr. Philip Nino Tan-Gatue, Clinical Associate Professor in the University of the Philippines College of Medicine has to say about the 1st fatality related to nCOV unless you want to this Oust Duterte plan of yours to blow in your faces because you anchor your upheaval using the wrong information. [Link here]

Doc Tan, as his friends call him, wrote:

The 44 year old male patient from Wuhan who passed away from pneumonia was indeed infected by 2019-NCoV. However he was also infected with other bacteria.

I would like to take this chance to warn my friends that there is such a thing as secondary bacterial infection. Even if 2019-NCoV has a relatively low fatality rate, it can weaken one enough so that other germs can break in and do their damage.

Addendum: “He added that aside from being infected with 2019-nCoV, the man was also infected with Influenza B virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.”

Meanwhile one commenter wrote: “I asked somebody actually about it whether it is the coronavirus that kills you or the secondary infection caused by the weakening of your immune system by the corona virus. Somebody said the coronavirus directly kills you.”

Another netizen was cautious jumping into conclusion based on what Doc Tan divulged. “In a short while, information will come out regarding how and why coronavirus causes deterioration of the respiratory system. A particular receptor present in the alveolar lining has affinity for the virus. We previously associated the receptor with hypertension. Hope the information is made public soon.”

Your comment?

Source: Philip Nino Tan-Gatue

The post Doc Philip Tan of UP College of Medicine hints “2° bacterial infection” not nCOV as main culprit of 1st confirmed coronavirus de@th in the Philippines? appeared first on Pinoy Trending News.

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