Thursday, March 26, 2020

Police officer posted photo of him eating dinner outdoors while young daughter looks on to encourage people to stay home while frontliners battle covid-19

A photo of a police officer eating dinner outside his house while his young daughter looks on has touched the hearts of netizens on Facebook.

The photo was re-posted by the FB page “Daily Guardian” on Friday, March 27, 2020 to encourage the public to stay indoors while the frontliners like him fight the covid-19 pandemic.

Lt. Honey Labaro is on self-quarantine after he was sent to Negros Occidental, together with other policemen from Iloilo as part of the augmentation police force, doing checkpoint duties in the neighboring island to stop the spread of coronavirus.

He said he kept a distance from his family for fear he may be a carrier of the virus after his Negros stint and infect his family. The police officer even set up a camping tent as temporary sleeping quarter.

Lt. Labaro’s photo has moved the hearts of thousands of netizens in less than 24 hours, generating 3,4000+ shares, 5,999+ reactions and 327 comments and counting.

One netizen commented, “So heart-moving to see this. . A father just watching his child because of his great love n concern for the family. Whew!. . .Praying for u sir. So proud of u. My grandest salute.
Praying for God’s protection also for all our frontliners.”

Another netizen wrote: “The effort were appreciated but the love and understanding of the family was more touching. God Bless Us Always!”

You may read the full FB post below.

A police officer is eating outside their house while his daughter was staring at him from inside. He made a tent outside their home since he cannot enter their house due to his line of duty.

Lt. Honey Labaro is on self-quarantine after he traveled from Iloilo to Negros Occidental to augment the police force assigned in police stations and borders to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

“I keep distance from my family because I’m afraid I may be a carrier too, so please stay at home so that this pandemic will not last long. Because like you, we also love to go out with our family,” he said.

He said he posted the photo on social media to encourage others to stay at home while the government and frontliners fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Source: Daily Guardian

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