Give and Take Relationship..
Marian Rivera discussed the importance of ‘Give and Take’ in a relationship.
According to Marian, it is important to be sensitive to what your partner’s needs. You must practice to give and take because it works.
Marian’ explains “It is vice versa, there are times Im the one who is tired so he will be the one who’s going to make me feel loved and comfort me.”
“But, because he is the one who works, he is the one who is usually exhausted, so I know what to do: I will comfort him and make him feel loved.” Says Marian.

“It should always be give and take.” And according to them the most important key is that they pray to God everyday, they never end a day without praying to God.
“And also the good factor is this, we do meditate every morning, that is our number one routine in the morning.
One of the most important factors is that you are confident and prepared to face the day, your heart and mind is also confident because of the one who created you.”

DongYan is the end game indeed.
The post Marian Rivera explained why Give and Take is important in a relationship appeared first on Team Dantes.
Source: Team Dantes