The crocodile is unmistakable in its appearance – a throwback to the age when dinosaurs ruled the world. Their fearsome appearance, massive jaws and rough skin inspire terror as well as fascination.
Crocodiles are the world’s largest reptiles and one of its most long-lived. These creatures often called ‘living fossils’ because of how virtually unchanged they are throughout the course of evolution.
These prehistoric creatures have been stomping around the mud and gliding across waters for 240 million years.
Although wildly considered by most scientists as one of the largest reptiles in the world, there are many tall tales that surround these creatures. Many people have claimed to have seen the biggest crocodiles ever without any shred of evidence.
So the question stands: how huge can crocodiles truly be?
Here are the top 5 biggest crocodiles ever recorded.
5. Gustave (17 Feet)
Gustave was an infamous Nile crocodile that has terrorized Lake Tanganyika, Burundi for decades.
According to Amazing Planet’s viral video: “[Gustave’s] exact size is unknown, and exaggerated reports have him as large as 25 feet, experts estimate Gustave to be about 17 feet (5.2 meters) long.”
4. Puento Noire Crocodile (17.8 feet)
An unnamed aggressive Nile specimen had been the subject of numerous hoaxes and rumors. One such alleged sighting of this beast was after Hurricane Katrina.
The truth is much simpler than the fake stories on the internet. Back in 2003, this monster croc was disposed of in a safety operation near Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo.
Experts have estimated its size to be around 17 feet 8in (5.4 meters).
3. Cassius (17.11 feet)
After the famous Filipino crocodile ‘Lolong’ passed away, ‘Cassius’ the Australian saltwater crocodile became and is currently the largest crocodile held in captivity.
This monster currently resides at Marineland Melanesia - a family business located on the Green Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Far North Queensland.
Cassius and is believed to be around 110 years old with a size of 17 feet 11in (5.48 meters).
2. Brutus (18.4 feet)
Brutus was an enormous saltwater crocodile who was regularly seen swimming around the Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Australia.
It’s famous for having only 3 limbs. Experts believed Brutus may have lost his right arm during a confrontation with a bull shark.
This beast had an estimated size of 5.6 meters (18ft 4in).
1. Lolong (20.25 feet)
According to the ‘Amazing Planet’ Youtube channel’s video: “This remarkable creature named Lolong (in honor of a veteran Filipino crocodile hunter) is believed to be the largest crocodile ever held in prolonged captivity. Lolong was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records at 6.17 meters (20.25 feet).”
The dinosaur-like Lolong had a terrifying reputation, believed to be responsible for the deaths of numerous townspeople. After he was captured, Lolong became the star attraction at a local ecotourism park.
It took 100 people to subdue the massive croc.
In February 10, 2013, Lolong died of pneumonia and cardiac arrest.
Watch the amazing video by Amazing Planet here!
Crocodiles, although fearsome and intimidating, are much like the other apex predators of this world – very misunderstood. Crocodiles are often hunted for sport, for superstitious reasons, or simply because of the threat the potentially pose to a community.
However, a croc is a simple animal that’s been around forever. This amazing creature now faces a new challenge in human beings because as it stands: 17 out of 23 crocodilians species are now endangered.
Hopefully, this article changes your perception of these scary yet remarkable living fossils.
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