Some romantic relationships are forever, some are not. People come and go, like they always say, but life should go on. But a proper goodbye and a graceful exit are much more acceptable and humane rather than cheating on your partner.
We’ve all heard of partners who were caught in the arms of another and were publicly humiliated just like this girl who got caught by her boyfriend in the parking lot. He took footage of her alleged cheating.
While he was taking the video, the woman couldn’t face the camera and said she was calling her dad. The guy immediately responded, “Go ahead! Call your f**king dad! Please call your dad, call your mom. I’ll pass by your house and tell your mom and dad. You’re so stupid b**ch for sleeping in my house this week, b**ch!”
The girl tried to get out of the car to stop him but he was eager to take the video of her and the guy she was cheating with. He even pointed the camera to her secret beau.
The woman told him to leave her alone several times until she found her way out of the car and started walking away while calling her dad.