Friday, May 12, 2017

The Kissing Bug Sounds Romantic, But Wait Until You See What It Can Do!

The Kissing Bug sounds romantic at first, but once you find out what it’s capable of, you’ll be scared to death if you ever see one.

These bugs, also known by their scientific name Triatomines, are found in Southern USA, Mexico, and Central and South America.

The Kissing Bug Sounds Romantic, But Wait Until You See What It Can Do!

What’s up with the name? Do they kiss their mates? Are they friendly to humans? Actually, they got that name because they like biting the lips and eyes of their victims, humans and animals alike.

The Kissing Bug Sounds Romantic, But Wait Until You See What It Can Do!

You won’t die from the bite. However, what comes after will put you in the hospital. If biting you wasn’t enough, they will then defecate on you and you will get the dreaded “Chagas Disease.”

The Kissing Bug Sounds Romantic, But Wait Until You See What It Can Do!

What’s Chagas? It’s a parasitic disease that will kill you slowly. If left untreated, the victim will suffer from heart and intestinal complications, breathing difficulties, and even death.



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