Saturday, May 13, 2017

Before Buying Any Frozen Food, Check The Ingredients First Because This Might Kill You!

The food that are available nowadays are mostly processed. Because most people live a busy lifestyle, the food we consume should be easy to prepare. 

That is why most food available at the grocery are either frozen or instant

The people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle opt to purchase frozen food instead of instant ones since they believe that these contain less preservatives.

What they don’t know is that some frozen food are just as unhealthy as instant food.

Take for example dairy products. These products are also not safe from preservatives and extra ingredients. Yougrt can sometimes contain food coloring, especially those marketed for kids. 

Pre-marinated meats mostly contain seasonings such as MSG or monosodium glutamate and HFCS or high-fructose corn syrup which pose threats to ones health. 

MSG can sometimes cause allergies, chest pain, nausea, swearing, headache, weakness, facial tightness or pressure, numbness and burning in your face and palpitations of the heart.

The following are ingredients that most likely has MSG:

Yeast Extract
Malted Barley
Rice Syrup or Brown Rice Syrup
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)

Before Buying Any Frozen Food, Check The Ingredients First Because This Might Kill You!

Other names of MSG include:

Sodium glutamate monohydrate
L-Glutamic acid
Monosodium salt
Monosodium glutamate monohydrate
Monosodium L-glutamate monohydrate
MSG monohydrate
Monosodium salt



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