Thursday, August 10, 2017

Are You Fond Of Watching Treasure Discoveries? Watch The Most Incredible Coin Discoveries Around The World!

Are You Fond Of Watching Treasure Discoveries? Watch The Most Incredible Coin Discoveries Around The World!

Do you still think that finding troves of ancient artifacts and rare treasures is just stuff made for movies?  

Check out this list for the most astounding coin discoveries around the world. 

1. The Wesley Carrington Hoard
In 2013, a British named Wesley Carrington made the most stunning discovery the century. After finding a spoon, a halfpenny, and a gold coin, with his metal detector, he dug deeper and found 55 more gold Roman coins. These 1600-year-old coins, minted in Italy, were used during the empires of Honorius to Gratian. 

Are You Fond Of Watching Treasure Discoveries? Watch The Most Incredible Coin Discoveries Around The World!

2. Roman Coins in Japan
Katsuren Castle in the Okinawa island, Japan is a UNESCO World Heritage site. During an archeological excavation, they found four copper coins; one bearing the image of Roman Emperor Constantine dated 300 to 400 AD. Another dig yielded six coins, dating back to the Ottomon Empire in the 17th century. Scientists hypothesized that the Roman coins might’ve found their way to the castle through its trades with other Asian countries. 

Are You Fond Of Watching Treasure Discoveries? Watch The Most Incredible Coin Discoveries Around The World!

3. The Seaton Down Hoard
Laurence Egerton, another metal detector hobbyist, stumbled upon the biggest hoard of Roman coins in Britain. He found 22,000 copper-alloy coins in Seaton, East Devon, after finding two small coins on the ground and iron ingots in a deeper hole. Experts believe that this stash was buried for safekeeping, and was dated back to 4th century of the Roman Empire. 

Are You Fond Of Watching Treasure Discoveries? Watch The Most Incredible Coin Discoveries Around The World!

Are You Fond Of Watching Treasure Discoveries? Watch The Most Incredible Coin Discoveries Around The World!

Are You Fond Of Watching Treasure Discoveries? Watch The Most Incredible Coin Discoveries Around The World!

Are You Fond Of Watching Treasure Discoveries? Watch The Most Incredible Coin Discoveries Around The World!



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