Monday, October 2, 2017

PERSON OF INTEREST | A Filipina sought for questioning for investigation in Las Vegas shooting

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Marilou Danley a "Gambling & Casinos Professional, Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Reno, Nevada.” was said to be with the gunman in Mandalay Bay hotel when the shooting occur Sunday evening (PST). She was a high-limit hostess at Club Paradise at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa from 2010 to 2013.

On her Facebook profile which is now not available, Danley describes herself as “proud mum and grandma who lives life to the fullest.”

Danley is understood to be the shooter's girlfriend and lived with him in a remote retirement village in Mesquite, Nevada.

She holds an Australian passport and is possibly of Indonesian decent, it has been claimed.

Las Vegas police dispatch audio throughout the morning contained reports of possible multiple suspects, casualty “collection points,” crowds running in panic, shootings at other Vegas hotels, 1,000 people holed up at a Michael Jackson venue, people taking shelter in buses at a fairground, and reports of explosives.

The gunman was identified was a local resident named as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock. 

He was confirmed dead early on in the investigation, as down at the scene in the Mandalay Bay hotel, police said, apparently having taken his own life.leaving officers searching for a 62-year-old woman named as Marilou Danley.

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His motive is not yet clear, but police have said they don’t think the shooting was an act of terrorism, at least not at this point. The shooter unleashed a spray of bullets at the Route 91 concert crowd from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel at the festival. Officers responded to that hotel room and engaged the suspect, killing him. They know who he is but haven’t publicly released his name. 

There were reports that a woman had come out and told concertgoers that everyone was going to die right before the shooting, but it was unconfirmed and unclear who the woman was; you can listen to that eyewitness account here:

Police said in the press conference in which they released Danley’s name that the shooter was “local.” They said that the shooter was down on an upper floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, and they also revealed that they do not believe there is more than one shooter. 

Police said they don't believe Ms Danley, who was located outside the US, was involved in the shooting.

Police said Paddock had used Ms Danley's ID documents to check into the hotel, which initially led to speculation that she was in the hotel at the time of the attack.

A Hyundai Tucson vehicle understood to be owned by Ms Danley was also found by police.

Later on, according to Las Vegas sheriff Joe Lombardo have said Marilou Danley is "no longer a person of interest" after trying to locate her in connection with the Las Vegas shooting, “We are pretty confident that there is no longer a threat other than we are attempting to locate the person of interest.

After locating Danley, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police said she "is no longer being sought out as a person of interest."

Ms Danley was out of the country when the incident took place, according Las Vegas sheriff Joseph Lombardo.

Country singer Jason Aldean was performing on stage at the 30,000-strong concert when gunfire rang out. Gun maniac Stephen Paddock sprayed thousands of bullets into the festival crowds from a hotel balcony which was said the deadliest shooting in US history.

People cower in fear as gunshots rain down on Route 91 music festival crowds in Las Vegas.

Cops confirmed the sniper was found dead on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay resort and casino.

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Source: International News/, Heavy,

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