It’s rare to find ex-lovers who are ready to bury the past and remain friends. Probably it’s because it’s hard to look at a former lover while they’re happy with a new partner.
You’d have to be a very mature person and cool-headed to see your ex without flinching.
This article isn’t about the healthy relationship you could have with an ex – not even close.
This is a story about a case of cold-hearted revenge. It begins with these series of viral photos which were posted on Instagram.
These photos detail an unfortunate incident where this lady was spotted pooping herself right in the middle of a bar – while she was on a date!
The netizen who shared these photos wondered who was more desperate to get laid: the woman who embarrassed herself by dropping a stinker in public or the guy who was willing to ignore that familiar poop smell.
Who says chivalry is dead?
As it turns out, there was a Reddit thread which chronicled these viral photos and the reason why the lady couldn’t hold in her bowel-movement.
Apparently the woman had accepted a drink from her ex-boyfriend who was in the same club as she was! I mean it seems pretty sketchy to see your ex in the same club while you’re on a date – and then receive a free drink from him too.
According to the Reddit post:
“Some relationships end well, but some end very badly as one woman recently found out.
We will not identify the woman or the nightclub but photos show what happened and it was not pretty. When the woman, who was at the club with her new boyfriend, accepted a drink from her ex she did not realize what a mistake this was.
The drink was spiked, and the woman ended up leaving piles of poo all across the floor, her legs, her underwear, and her fashionable dress. The ex was probably in stitches watching the woman desperately trying to hold it and being unsuccessful.”
Ugh nasty!
Be careful when accepting things from your ex-boyfriends ladies! You never know if they’re angry enough to do this to you!
We hope this lady got revenge for this party foul. We wouldn’t blame her if she broke into his house and took a dump all over his bed.
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