One man paid a visit to his friend in Northern Germany. They were childhood friends and played in the woods when they were kids. There were two weird periscope-like pipes in the area, but they were young and were prohibited to go near them. But now that they’re grown-up, they set out on a journey to discover what’s behind those pipes—and it was the spookiest adventure of their life.
One-hundred meters from the pipes was the entrance covered with a wooden lid. They opened it with a crowbar.
Underneath, the door’s lock was broken so they couldn’t get trapped inside.
What they initially saw was an endless hospital hallway. They kept going straight to avoid getting lost. They also encountered junctions along the way.
The first dead end was a narrow hole with filthy water in it.
At the second intersection was a blocked entrance covered in graffiti.
The hallway wasn’t straight at all. It had several slight turns and had random punches on the wall.
Along the way were uncanny writings on the left wall which says “Help” and “Die” on the top right. At that point, the two friends were both unsure if they should proceed or get out of there.
But heck, they still continued and saw a creepy scribble on the wall: “Hallo satan I love you.”
They then decided to enter a lot of corridors and they stumbled on one wherein walls were massive and metal-like. A red number 2211 was written on the left while there was also a painting on the wall.
They kept going and came across a flooded area. A ladder lead them to another room, and it was spacious.
Out of fear, one of the two guys screamed and almost knocked his friend over when he saw this—he thought there was a crouched man in this image.
Bizarre ‘icicles’ also formed in the ceiling.
The also stumbled upon what looks like submarine hatch. But after taking a shot of it, their camera went out.
They headed back to the entrance, and clearly they both survived.
What can you say about this? Did you find this story creepy? Do you know other similar spooky stories? Share them with us in the comments field below.