In a Facebook post titled “The Mouth of Hell (Sa Bingit Ng Kumunoy)” retired broadcaster Jay Sonza described a doom and gloom scenario for ABS-CBN and the Lopezes in the event the SC votes against their favor.
Sonza said ABS-CBN isn’t stupid, more so the Lopezes. They knew that the franchise of its network will expire. They also knew that their franchise extension request will meet a stiff opposition in Congress and the President. But they never showed any hint they are alarmed by these roadblocks. It is easier for them to handle the NTC to get their provisional permit to operate. They have vast experience in relation to this, so they thought. In short, the Lopezes are experts in under the table deals and treacherous maneuvers.
However, the Quo Warranto petition of the Office of the Solicitor General is a different beast, a game changer.
Sonza said the Quo Warranto caught the Lopezes off guard. According to Sonza, this move made the lips of the Lopez tremble, their knees shake and Gabby Lopez’s “bayag” or testicle figuratively rose to his throat, including 10 others of his family or kins.
Sonza claimed this is the first of kind the Lopezes has faced. They never had a template how to wiggle their way out of it or fix it under the table.
Sonza said the legal opponents of the Lopez family is no pushover, legal heavyweights so they say. Never lost a case as a Solicitor General. Lately, he removed a sitting Chief Justice via the goosebump-inducing QUO WARRANTO.
Sonza remarked that ABS-CBN has been sued for violation of the Constitution and violations of other PH laws.
But here’s’ what scares the Lopezes to death according to Sonza…
“But what really pales them to death is the thought that if they lose the case (by the way, the case against them is said to be air tight), it would mean hell for them.”
Sonza went on to describe what awaits the Lopezes once the Supreme Court arrive with a decision on the QUO WARRANTO case and does not favor them.
“They will be facing mounting law suits for fiscal recoveries, multiple estafa cases which are non-bailable. Underground financial gods and demigods are not gentle on those who they feel double crossed them.“
Simply put, the Lopezes are in the edge of a quicksand and they only have themselves to blame? Why? Because they employ the mouth of hell, instead of singing Lullaby for Rody.
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Source: Jay Sonza
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