Thursday, November 3, 2022

Dingdong Dantes supports Marian’s first love.

Marian’s first love, Acting.

The entertainment press got to interview Dong Dantes during his Mesa Restaurant event, one of the questions they asked was about working with Marian again in a movie or TV Series.

“Is there a chance that DongYan loveteam, you and Marian will make a movie or teleserye again? maybe soon this year?” They asked.

“The last show we made was Jose and Maria’s Bonggang Villa and we are so grateful that the season 1 was very successful. And now we are still talking about what would be the next chapter of the story.” He said.

The press knows that many fans miss watching Marian on the  big and small screen, “There are so many people who are really missing Marian when it comes to acting, like playing big roles is there a chance that you guys will make your big comeback to teleserye this coming years?” The press asked.

“We haven’t talk about it so far.” Dong answered.  He also said that Marian really miss doing tv series. “She misses doing it. That was her first love so she really loves doing it and I know she really misses it.” He said.


The post Dingdong Dantes supports Marian’s first love. appeared first on Team Dantes.

Source: Team Dantes

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