Thursday, May 11, 2017

This young couple hid their relationship to her parent! What happened will shock you.

This young couple hid their relationship to her parent! What happened will shock you

Some parents don't want their daughter to be in a relationship while they're young. Especially when they're still studying. Parents are afraid that their daughter might get pregnant and won't be able to finish college. Because some of the teenagers, experiences teenage pregnancy. And most of their partners leave them behind and continue their lives as a free, happy-go-lucky single life.

Most parents won't allow their daughter to experience that unfortunate happenings. So, what they will do is to be strict with their daughters and scare the hell out of their daughter's suitor.

But RoseMarie Peñamora Tan stood firm on their relationship. Hiding their relationship to her parents for four years. Believing that she and her boyfriend are meant to be together, forever.

Read their funny story below:

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