Investigators worked feverishly Tuesday to find out why a retired accountant gunned down no less than 59 individuals and injured more than 500 others at an open-air concert in Las Vegas, raking the group with slugs from a 32nd-floor hotel room pressed with weapons.
As America pondered the deadliest mass shooting in its history, authorities responded carefully to an Islamic State assemble assert that Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, had completed Sunday night's slaughter for the benefit of the jihadist group.
Police said Paddock, who had no criminal record, crushed windows in his hotel room not long after 10:00 pm on Sunday and prepared blasts of automatic weapons discharge on a thousands of individuals attending a country music concert down beneath.
In footage of the massacre broadcast on CNN, the sustained rattle of gunfire is heard as individuals shout and dart for cover with little thought of where the shots were originating from.
In a statement on online, IS claimed Paddock was one of its "soldiers" but the FBI said it had found no such connection so far with the local sheriff describing him as a lone "psychopath."
In a statement on online, IS claimed Paddock was one of its "soldiers". However, the FBI said it had discovered no such association so far with the local sheriff depicting him as a solitary "psychopath." Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said Paddock fired through the door of his hotel room and hit a security guard in the leg.
Be that as it may, when a SWAT group raged the room where Paddock had been staying since September 28, they discovered he had killed himself. Inside the room were 23 guns including automatic weapons, he said.
Investigators also found another 19 guns alongside explosives and a few thousand rounds of ammunition at Paddock's home in Mesquite, Nevada, around 80 miles (130 kilometers) away.
Lombardo said they had discovered several pounds of an explosive called tannerite at the house as well as ammonium nitrate, a type of compost, in his car.