Sunday, June 21, 2020

This British national thinks Sara Duterte-Bongbong Marcos perfect tandem in 2022

An open letter endorsing Sara Duterte-Bongbong Marcos tandem this early has been making the rounds online.

The author was none other than British national Malcolm Conlan, a staunch President Duterte supporter, who has been a consistent writer of viral FB post.

Conlan said he was prompted to share his personal thoughts after speculation that Senator Manny Pacquiao is running for President in 2022, if Bob Arum, Pacquiao’s former boxing promoter was telling the truth.

Although Pacquiao already issued a statement denying discussing with Arum he is running for President. [Link here]

Moving forward, Conlan said Sara Duterte is the logical choice in 2022 since the elder Duterte is stepping down in 2022 and he needs somebody to take over the reigns and continue his work and projects.

Why Bongbong Marcos? Conlan remarked that Sara Duterte needs someone who will actually work WITH the President to better the lives of the Filipino people, not who will not grab every opportunity to challenge and criticize the President.

Of course, Conlan is open to the idea of a Bongbong Marcos-Sara Duterte tandem.

You may read Malcolm Conlan’s open letter below and tell us what you think by commenting in the thread.

An Open Letter to the Filipino people.

My personal thoughts on who should run as the next President and Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines.

Dearest friends,

Just lately, there has been a lot of speculation on who might run as the next President of the Philippines, particularly now that Senator Manny Pacquiao has expressed a desire to be possibly included in the race.

As many of you know, I am a big supporter of President Rodrigo Duterte. The President continues to do an incredible job in his role as President. He has handled the current COVID-19 crisis very well, I have no doubt that countless lives have been saved through his efforts and that of his administration. President Duterte is also admired by many for having a good approach in addressing the people.

He is not elitist or in anyway talking down to the people. He treats the Filipino people as a father would treat his family. He is much admired by many worldwide for his tough talking to criminals and yet his defence of the law abiding citizens of the country.

But, fact remains, he can’t stay in office forever. He needs somebody to take over the reigns and continue his work and projects. Someone who knows him very well, who also has the right discipline, determination and guts to continue this work for the Filipino people. Somebody who has his genes, someone who has experience of leading the people but has also been privy to his work and determination for the betterment of the people.

Without doubt, that has to be his daughter, Mayor Inday Sara Duterte-Carpio. Not only has she been and continues to be a very successful mayor of Davao city, a city which her father also was mayor of for decades, but with her as President, Filipinos can be sure that the Duterte name and family, a family who can be highly trusted and work hard for ALL Filipinos can continue to make a real difference in the lives of Filipinos.

Some however have commented that maybe Mayor Sara still doesn’t have the right level of experience, I totally disagree, I think she does and has already been on many state visits and has almost been groomed as a natural successor. For this reason, she needs a strong Vice President or 2nd in command.

Somebody who will not constantly fight against her or fight against the President of the day, like the current situation, somebody who will actually work WITH the President to better the lives of the Filipino people. Somebody from a strong political background and family, someone who understands politics and can support Mayor Sarah as well as maybe input from her dad too if required.

That person I believe would be Bong Bong Marcos. He came very close already in the last election to becoming Vice President and some would say that he was robbed. He has the breeding and genes to help continue the work to make the Philippines great again. He is much admired by many and a good diplomat. He also understands the history of the country and can use this to his advantage for the betterment of the Filipino people.

Finally, yes I would also accept this the other way round as a tandem if it would ensure this pairing and support for both.

In regards to Sen Manny Pacquiao, he is perfectly entitled to run for office, he has already helped so many Filipinos and it’s up to the people therefore to decide. But, hand on heart, I am quite sure that we will see both Mayor Sara and BBM in the race to the top jobs and this will be in my opinion, good for the nation.

Thank you and best wishes,

Malcolm Conlan,

Netizen who loves the Philippines and her people with all my heart.
London, UK.

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